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Your least favorite


New member
Hello everyone. As some of you may remember, I started a thread a few months ago asking everyone which morphs they were really excited about. It seemed to be a pretty popular thread so I thought we could take it in the opposite direction and hear which morphs just don't do it for you. Now remember, let's keep this friendly. These are just opinions and everyone is entitled to theirs, so please, no arguments.
Now, before I start this off I just want to clarify that I like ALL of the various morphs, but I'd have to say my least favorite would have to be Caramel. With that being said, I REALLY love Caramel combined with other traits and I think Butter morphs and the Honey morph are some of the sharpest snakes out there, but Caramel by it's self just don't excite me all that much.
So, let's hear it...but remember, different strokes for different folks, so let's try not to be offended by someone else's opinion. Corn snakes are awesome and we're blessed to have so many different beautiful combinations that we can have this type of discussion.........Mitch
I concur. I have absolutely no interest in Caramel, although a perfect butter mot is incredible.

I can remember being not so excited about "gartersnakes," but now I have one and I am VERY excited to have a Tessera in my collection.

I can remember talking to Roy Munson about Opal Stripes. He about had me talked out of them, and then I got Mango and Mingo and I really _do_ love that morph.

I have a pair of Hypo Lavender Stripes. If you don't know, they go through an ugly phase. A REALLY ugly phase. At that point, I was like, what was I thinking??? And then they blossomed into gorgeous pink and purple striped beauties.

Sunkissed scares me a little. The whole stargazer thing. But, I guess it could show up anywhere. I don't have SK in my collection, but I appreciate it. Some of the combinations are very amazing.

I used to not be so crazy about Cinder, but I love it combined with Amel. And of course now I like it just plain, by itself. I think some genes just have to grow on you.
Nanci, Hypo Lavender Stripes are one of my favorites for sure and I remember recently reading about this 'ugly' phase that they go through. I think it was described as 'an ugly band-aid'. Is there any chance you have a picture of one during this phase? This morph would likely be my next acquisition and I'm very curious to see this ugly phase. Thanks, Mitch.
I'm not all that fond of bloodreds or caramels, but at one time I didn't like Miamis and now I do, so maybe I'll come around.
I'm not hugely fond of caramels. Butter morphs are okay, but not my favorite.

I'm not a big fan of tessera. Their pattern is too random/messy for me. Though I've seen a few very clean ones that I didn't mind so much.

I'm not a big fan of cinder, except when combined with amel.

I don't like regular "bloodred" that are just diffused and not a nice red color.

I'm not overly fond of snows, except the very pink ones.

Although it's not a morph, per se, I am not a big fan of aberrant patterns. Similar reason as the tesseras. My eyes like clean, even, uniform patterns. That said, there are sometimes ones that work just right that I do like.
I once (can you believe it) didn't care for the caramel gene, too. Any yellow corn. But after seeing a certain butter motley of Brent's, that Josh has now, I was converted.

I also, at one time, never really saw the attraction of lavenders. Alas, I fell to the beauty of plasmas. Carol and John, I blame for that.

I think seeing a perfect, or nearly perfect, example of any morph is quite an experience.
I once wasn't too keen on tesseras either, but the prospect of a golddust or sulfur or fire tessera is dazzling.
But after seeing a certain butter motley of Brent's, that Josh has now, I was converted.

It was a butter motley, perhaps the same one, that converted me to liking butter morphs as well. Though they still are not my favorite (that belongs to lavender morphs, or anything bright red) I don't hate them anymore.
I'm not a fan of most amels. A nice candy cane or vivid sunglow is one thing, but the "blah" amels that are EVERYWHERE hold zero appeal for me.
I agree, amels aren't that interesting to me.
I absolutely love bloodreds and bloodred stripes, although my ultimate favorite morph would have to be creamsicles. In my current collection, I have an Anery Motley Stripe named Sahar that is my favorite. He's got fantastic markings.
Hmmmn, tough question. I guess I don't like caramels, a lot of amels (Sorry, my petstore has nothing BUT amels and they have fallen out of my favor), or really any of the "orangey" snakes.

Also not a huge fan of miami's. -shrug- :)
I never liked bloodred or diffused combos that much, I don't even get why people like them but they sure are popular.
I'm the opposite of Heather I love aberrant patterns!
I love aberrant patterns as well! I can't really think of any morph that I don't like. There's usually some variation of prettymuch any morph that I like.
They have grown on me a little but im not a fan of anery's. some are amazing but I cant get in to the gray and brown. I'm not a big fan of amls but like them much more than anerys. I LOVE aberrant patterns!
Lavender and Caramel...And Anery...surprisingly enough almost everything I keep is Anery or an Anery combo ;)
I love them all, but if I were to choose a least favorite, it would have to be blizzard. I want to see some color or at least some pattern in a snake. Just plain white is boring. That said, I did win a blizzard in the Daytona raffle (the only way I would end up with one in my collection) and I like her because she at least has yellow belly checks.
I think I finally thought of mine. Normal-patterned charcoals and aneries. I like the stripes, and I like them combined with lavender or bloodred, but not so much alone.