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Recent content by SharkBait1992

  1. SharkBait1992

    nadle is going to be getting 2 pinks next feeding just have a question

    Nadle is ready to move to 2 pinkies next feeding but i was wondering how quickly to feed the second, like should i just drop both in at the start or should i offer the second after the first gets past his mouth or do i wait for the first to reach the stomach? thank you for any help
  2. SharkBait1992

    Alota Lost Weight?? also shed trouble

    Alota arrived he on the 30th of december She ate for me for the first time on the 6th of january, on the 10th I took her weight and she was 7 grams. She ate again on the 12th and weighed 8 grams on the 16th at her next 3 feedings she weighed 8 grams and ate each time On febuary 11th she...
  3. SharkBait1992

    cant tell if Nadle has a bit of stuck shed, help?

    so Nadle shed a few days ago and I think he might have some stuck shed on his tail but its hard to tell cause he is so small. Should I go ahead and soak him just in case? Here is what his tail looks like
  4. SharkBait1992

    Minion '13 Striped Caramel Tessera

    So exactly three weeks after I received my first two snakes this guy showed up in the mail and he is gorgeous. He ate with me for the first time on Jan 27th. Tomorrow I'm gonna try and get some better pictures. Thank you to gelshark for this beautiful animal. His Arrival (1/20/15) Me and...
  5. SharkBait1992

    Nadle - Miami Male

    Fed the babies for the first time today, I was nervous but all went well. Day of arrival (12/30/2014) Eating today, sorryfor the terrible quality lol he was hard to photograph in his plant (1/6/2015)
  6. SharkBait1992

    Alota - Charcoal Female

    I have had my snakes for a week now. I fed them for the first time today. The day she arrived (12/30/2014) Eating today, I had no issues which makes me happy, I was a little nervous about the first meal (1/6/2014)
  7. SharkBait1992

    Charcoal and Miami Progression thread

    My first two snakes just got here, I am so happy. still working on names but here they are My miami boy Charchoal girl And my miami out exploring
  8. SharkBait1992

    Rack I built

    I will be getting all my electronic pieces (thermostat, UTH, Thermometers) for christmas, ordering snakes a few days later for my birthday. Super excited and extremely impatient :crazy02:
  9. SharkBait1992

    Best way to attach Ultratherm uth to rack?

    I am Building a rack soon and was just wondering the bast way to attach an ultratherm uth, not sure if foil tape would be best or what. Also when I was looking at videos a guy Put foil tape under his flex watt do I need to to something like that for this uth. Thanks everyone!
  10. SharkBait1992

    reptile shows near albuquerque, nm?

    just moved here, finally out of hawaii for good, and I did some searching but I cant seem to find any reptile shows near by. anyone know if there are any here or are the closest ones in arizona and texas? Thanks guys!
  11. SharkBait1992

    leachie geckos?

    any one here ever keep them I have been reading up on them for a bit, I might actually be allowed to get one so I was just wondering if any of you have ever had one.
  12. SharkBait1992

    My dad just found a chameleon

    so my family lives in Hawaii and my dad just found a chameleon in the backyard by the AC, first time we have ever seen one that wasn't in a petstore. I'm assuming it was someone's pet at some point. It is hanging out with my dad while he plays on the computer lol I just wanted to share cause I...
  13. SharkBait1992

    Viv project!!

    So I have been looking for something productive to do til school starts/ til I get a job so I used the money I had left over from vacation to get started on a viv. I figure since I have so long to do this I can make it absolutely awesome!! This will be where I update as a build and design, which...
  14. SharkBait1992

    A few questions.

    so i somehow managed to get my grandma who is/was pretty scared of snakes to allow me to get one as long as it stays in my room, but i also have to get my grandpa to agree and thats proving to be tougher than i thought because he is really not a big fan of them, any advice on ways to get him to...
  15. SharkBait1992

    I want a corn snake already

    Waiting is hard to do so is finding a job here lol I'm hoping to get at least a seasonal job soon since it's almost that time of year. Tried to convince my grandma to let me get one today, didnt work. Can't wait to get a job and an apartment.